ZetroneX Licensing and Subscription Services

Critical enterprise projects need enterprise-grade support.

ZetroneX supported distributions are licensed under the ZetroneX Software License. This license allows you to use the product free for non-commercial use. Commercial customers can also use the products in commercial settings and take advantage of a full range of enterprise-grade support and maintenance services, including:

support image



1TB Cloud storage
licence 5 years valid
update 5 years
maintenance 5 years


500GB Cloud storage
licence 3 years valid
update 3 years
maintenance 3 years


200GB Cloud storage
licence 1 year valid
update 1 year
maintenance 1 year


1TB Cloud storage
licence 5 years valid
update 5 years
maintenance 5 years


500GB Cloud storage
licence 3 years valid
update 3 years
maintenance 3 years


200GB Cloud storage
licence 1 year valid
update 1 year
maintenance 1 year

ZetroneX Payment Form



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The ZetroneX Software License covers all our supported product distributions, updates, and update tooling. Supported distributions feature: 100% compatible with community open source versions

Enterprise-grade supported distributions in a variety of convenient installation formats

Features for accessing and managing updates

Free use for evaluation, non-commercial, and educational purposes

ZetroneX Consulting Services

ZetroneX offers a full range of services to help you get the most out of your ZetroneX project. Our team has experience working with hundreds of customers in virtually every industry. Our customers achieve their business objectives with smooth, rapid, and successful ZetroneX deployments. We bring expertise to help bring out the best in your project team, with services oriented towards knowledge sharing, internal talent enablement, and strategic skills augmentation. Our services encompass strategy, architecture, implementation, and training, and provide access to talent from project conception, through planning and architecture phases, to successful implementation, deployment, and operation. Additional options for a full range of services, also extending to turnkey complete project delivery, are available from our certified ZetroneX Partners.


Continuous maintenance of your solution ensures system health and security throughout its lifetime. The WSO2 Update service delivers fixes to subscribers in an easy-to-consume format throughout the product lifecycle:

ZetroneX Updates improve the efficiency and quality of your evaluation, proof of concepts, and development work, removing the potential impacts of any known issues. ZetroneX Updates continually address real-world issues identified by ZetroneX or encountered by other ZetroneX customers, eliminating potential impacts to your production systems before they can occur.
ZetroneX maintains constant vigilance for any potential security vulnerabilities, monitoring hundreds of open source projects, collecting and assessing security reports from users or academics, running advanced code security reviews and using the best in automated code analysis tools. We develop private security bulletins and security updates to ensure subscribers have state-of-the-art-security in place. Each update is packaged for easy deployment in conjunction with our ZetroneX Update Manager and In-place Update tools. Updates are deployed by our team for ZetroneX Cloud and ZetroneX Managed Services customers as a matter of course
Update channels allow you to select delivery updates or to focus only on security updates as appropriate to your project history and lifecycle.


Our support team relies on a flat structure - developers and customer success staff skilled in the inner workings of all things ZetroneX. You can be sure your queries are handled by experts from the start, without repeated escalations. Our customer success engineers are globally distributed to operate on a 24x7x365 basis with an enterprise-grade SLA.
ZetroneX Support features a private support ticketing system, ensuring responses are quick, reliable, and fully documented through to resolution.
Need some support with your evaluation? We’d be happy to extend Evaluation Support, apply below.
Support Services include:

Production support features a 24x7x365 global severity-based SLA with as little as 1 hour maximum response time for high severity incidents. There are no limits to incident tickets. Incidents that require the development and delivery of a product fix are coordinated with ZetroneX Update.

Developer suppor t features a 1 business day SLA, to answer general queries about ZetroneX product features and usage, best practices, and general product assistance. Query support is utilized on an hourly basis, with a generous entitlement included in each subscription proportional to total fees.

A Technical Account Manager provides you the option for a named support contact who can coordinate issues and manage a priority support queue during working hours in your timezone and an option for unlimited query support. We include options for onsite presence at your location.


ZetroneX Managed Services provides a team of dedicated ZetroneX engineers to host, run, and maintain any combination of licensed ZetroneX products in the Cloud.
With this service you get:


Instructor-led Training Certification
Train your development team in ZetroneX product usage, administration, and architecture, with one of our many courses, customized to your level and objectives. Delivery options support on-site and distributed team Certification establishes mileposts and provides recognition for expertise acquired on ZetroneX products. A path towards certification for your developers ensures a consistent baseline of skills, motivates developers to achieve mastery, and supports career advancement and recruiting efforts. ZetroneX can design a certification benefit program for your staff.
Hours of works


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